04/01 Friday: Ameen Walker & Tyrus Thomas, Chesley Heymsfield, Ben Applebaum: Recess, Louisiana Voice: Tom Aswell, FBF Gary Shandling, Joyce Goldstein


Ameen Walker & Tyrus Thomas

Ameen and Tyrus are on the show to promote the opening of the new restaurant Everything Philly. Opening at the Northgates of LSU April 2, 2016, the restaurant will offer genuine Philadelphia fare in a fast casual setting.  

Chesley Heymsfield

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The Executive Director comes on the show to promote the Louisiana International Film Festival. (LIFF) kicks off Wednesday, April 13 through Sunday, April 17 at Cinemark Perkins Rowe. It includes an impressive 5-day array of film premieres from around the globe including a newly minted Southern Perspectives category---all at Cinemark Perkins Row in Baton Rouge.

Ben Applebaum: Recess

Author Ben Applebaum comes on the show to talk about the importance of Recess.  Recess is the ultimate illustrated guide to the best games of the playground, for inside and outside. This fun and interactive guide includes the rules to over 150 games and variations, including over two dozen international games from schoolyards around the world, plus various tips and strategies.  Applebaum gives some statistics on the decline of recess and the health of children in schools in the 21st century.


Tom Aswell

Tom Aswell, blogger from Louisiana Voice, is on the show talking with Jim about Bobby Jindal, Governor John Bel Edwards, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the presidential election.

Flashback Friday: Gary Shandling


Joyce Goldstein: The New Mediterranean Jewish Table

Joyce Goldstein was chef and owner of the groundbreaking Mediterranean restaurant Square One in San Francisco.  The New Mediterranean Jewish Table is an authoritative guide to Jewish home cooking from North Africa, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, and the Middle East. 

03/17: Thursday: Jerry Madden, Resurrection of Rev. Jimmy Swaggart's Career, Chesley Heymsfield, The Direction of the State of Louisiana

Hour 1: 

Jerry Madden

Former Texas lawmaker Jerry Madden with Right on Crime discusses why 17-year-old children convicted of a minor crime should not be tried as adults. He says there is typically more success in the juvenile system. Madden says he speaks from the right side of the political spectrum. 

Stephanie Riegel 

Stephanie Riegel of the Baton Rouge Business Report joins the show in studio to discuss the resurrection of Rev. Jimmy Swaggart's career. Jim worked for Swaggart in the early 1980s. 

Riegel says Swaggart is extremely charismatic and made a comeback with his ministry after a lawsuit. In 1988, the reverend was involved in a prostitution scandal.

Hour 2: 

Chesley Heymsfield 

Jim is joined in studio by the Executive Director of the Louisiana International Film Festival Chesley Heymsfield. A variety of films will be featured ranging from Bogalusa Charm to After the Spill. The event takes place at Cinemark Perkins Rowe in Baton Rouge from April 13-17th. Heymsfield says Raiders! could be her favorite film featured. 

For more information on the festival visit lifilmfest.org. 

Michael Henderson

Director of the LSU Public Policy Research Lab Dr. Michael Henderson discusses the latest survey that finds 63% of Louisiana residents aren't pleased with the direction of the state. Henderson says the poll also finds there is a huge increase in the number of people who say the state's business conditions are worse than last year. 

THURSDAY: Louisiana International Film Festival, Council for a Better Louisiana, Louisiana Legislative Session, and LSU Protest


President and CEO of the Council for a Better Louisiana Barry Erwin discusses his opinion of the legislative session and the rally that was led by LSU President King Alexander.  

A clip is played from the protest.  An LSU student speaking at the rally said he did not want to be "collateral damage on a suicide mission for the Presidency.

"We saw this coming a number of years ago," Erwin says of the incoming deficit, "we've found dollars from other places and patched them in there." 

John Bel Edwards was the only candidate for governor who went to the rally at the capitol today.  

Erwin discusses Common Core and completes several math problems on air.  

Executive director and founder of the 
Louisiana International Film Festival and Mentorship Program Chesley Heymsfield and Directer Dan Ireland promotes the festival coming up.  Over 60 films will be show including Obama Mama.  All of the events and screening will be at Cinemark Perkins Rowe May 7-10.    

Ireland and Heymsfield comment on their favorite films.  


Capitol Bureau Chief of the Advocate Mark Ballard discusses the Louisiana Legislative Session and the the rally at the capitol.

They discuss the corporate income tax and tax exemptions.  "We have so many exemptions right now, a lot of corporations are paying little if any taxes."   

Governor Jindal was in Washington D.C. today instead of at the rally at the capitol.  

He says that "Part of the bucket list for conservatives is to spread the taxes paying for public schools to private schools."  

They comment on the religious liberty issue and how Governor Jindal has acted.  Ballard says, "I think he comes by it genuinely." 

The cigarette tax is only increasing 36 cents.  

Political Consultant and Author Gus Weill comments on the rally at the capitol.  "It was such a joy to see the students expressing something other than praise for LSU athletics." 

He shares his opinion on the Baltimore Riots and the funeral of Freddie Gray.  Weill thinks that we are on the brink of racial unrest and war.  

"I think he's a gutsy woman," Weill says of Bruce Jenner, "he had such unbelievable courage to come out in that manner."