06/21 Wednesday: Bernie Pinsonat, Melissa Eastin, Troy Prevot, Beau Clark

Hour 1:

Bernie Pinsonat

Pollster Bernie Pinsonat joins Jim in studio to discuss Louisiana's legislative leaders and politics in the South. Pinsonat also comments on the Congressional races in Georgia and South Carolina. 

Melissa Eastin

Melissa Eastin with the East Baton Rouge Parish Library chats with Jim about the library's next event where a genealogist will be focusing on the Acadians of Maryland. For more information, call (225) 231-3751. 

Hour 2: 

Troy Prevot & Beau Clark

LCTA Workers' Compensation COO Troy Prevot and East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner Dr. Beau Clark chat with Jim about the opioid epidemic in our state. The pair comment on how to reduce the extreme number of deaths the state faces as a result of this drug abuse and the rising number of workplace injuries as this addiction grows. 

05/4 Wednesday: Mary-Patricia Wray, Dan Moldea on Trump as Nominee, Beau Clark & Troy Prevot on heroin in LA


Mary Patricia Wray

The political consultant was once one of Gov. John Bel Edward's employees and describes his determination when he ran for office.   Wray talks to callers about the presidential race since Ted Cruz has dropped out Tuesday night and the outcome of the next president.  Mary Wray also promotes the honoring of women leaders at the Girl Scouts Louisiana East 2016 Women of Distinction awards luncheon on Wednesday, May 11 at the Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel.  One of the honored guests will be former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco. 

Dan Moldea

Veteran journalist Dan Moldea explains the seriousness of the presidential election especially since Donald Trump has become the presumptive nominee. 


Beau Clark & Troy Prevot

Coroner Beau Clark is joined by Troy Prevot from LCTA Workers Comp to talk about the heroin epidemic, and the rise in addiction especially in Louisiana. Clark explains the stages of addiction while Prevot claims that the majority of accidents at work are related to us opiates.