03/28 Monday: Psychologist Kurt Gray, Dr. Jeff Walker from Dept. of Justice Science, Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne, Avery Davidson


Kurt Gray: The Mind Club

As the author of The Mind Club: Who thinks, What feels, and Why it Matters, Gray explains to listeners the mind's perception and describes the perception that a supporter of Donald Trump would have.

Dr. Jeff Walker from Dept. of Justice Science

Dr. Jeff Walker discusses the Brussels bombing that occurred last week and the safety of the United States as a nation when considering counter-terrorism.  Walker explains the difficulty in dealing with terrorists whether the values are ethnic or religious.


Jay Dardenne Commissioner of Administration

Jay Dardenne discusses the conditions of the state's budget and gives us an update on TOPS for Education and other expenditures.

Avery Davidson for LFB/Twila

Avery Davidson joins us on the show to talk about the obstacles facing farmers and ranchers in northern Louisiana. Davidson paints a vivid picture of the lasting effects that these farmers are still dealing with weeks after the flood.