01/16 Monday: Alton Sterling Case, Addiction Battle, Terrorism in Public Venues, Media & Journalism


Rev. Gil Wright & Rev. Raymond Jetson

Rev. Gil Wright of New Light Baptist Church and Rev. Raymond Jetson join together on Martin Luther King Day to talk about race relations and the impending decision on the Alton Sterling case.

Ann Wilder

BCSW and Certified Addiction specialist Ann Wilder talks about how to identify signs of addiction and confront a loved one who struggles with it.


Aubrey Futrell

Terrorist expert and police trainer, Futrell gives advice on what people should do immediately if a shooting breaks out at work, school, church or any public venue.

Earl Casey

One of the cofounders of CNN and longtime news director, Casey joins the conversation to determine if the media is making perpetrators famous and if the 'Journalistic Catch 22' is glorifying terrorism.

06/13 Monday: Immigration in the Presidential Campaign, Protection in Public, Skip Bertman on being a Father, Ann Wilder helping Radicals


Gus Weill

The former public relations specialist discusses the tone of the presidential race since the Orlando shooting over the weekend.  Weill expresses his feelings about the future of Donald Trump's campaign.

Aubrey Futrell

Retired Louisiana state trooper, and former SWAT trainer specialist, Aubrey Futrell, talks with host Leo Honeycutt about how to protect ourselves in public places.  He gives tips on precautions to take in different scenarios.


Skip Bertman

Legend Skip Bertman talks about what it takes to be a good father and passes down some advice his father gave him.

Ann Wilder

Executive Director of Behavioral Health Services, Ann Wilder joins Leo to talk about characteristics or situations that create a radical.  Wilder talks about how to help these people and what triggers their behaviors.