President of the Brennan Center for Justice, Michael Waldman
President Michael Waldman discusses the topic of voting and voicing our opinion as a nation while introducing his book, The Fight to Vote. Waldman talks to Jim about the history of voting rights in the U.S., contemporary voter registration laws and issues, the role of super-PACs (political action committees) in campaign finance, and voter fraud.
Chancellor of Southern University Law School, John Pierre
Chancellor Pierre is on the show to talk about the “2016: The Year of Charles J. Hatfield III” celebration at the Southern University Law Center (SULC), on Friday, February 26. The Law Center will host a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of landmark cases that led to greater diversity in the Louisiana State Judiciary. The 30th Anniversary Commemoration of Clark v. Roemer and Chisom v. Edwards will be held at 11 a.m. Friday.
Tom Aswell : Louisiana Voice
Tom Aswell, the man behind the website, Louisiana Voice is on the show to talk to Jim about his views on the presidential election, proposed taxes, and the topics that surface among a few other guests today.
Gary Wilkerson
Gary Wilkerson is on the show to talk about Kergan Bros. SONIC and their investment in child safety seats for families in need. In New Orleans, SONIC representatives presented a check to University Medical Center New Orleans’ Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force for the purchase of car seats at 11 a.m. At the event, five families were among the first to receive car seats. Safety Task Force members installed the seats.
Families in need throughout the state can sign up for free seats at http://www.umcno.org/injuryprevention. The Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force, run by the UMC New Orleans Level 1 Trauma Program, will then purchase and distribute the child safety seats based on family needs.
Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell
Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell discusses the reason for the rejection of the proposed $5 billion sale of Cleco Corp., Wednesday by the Louisiana Public Service Commission. He also announces that he is running for the U.S. Senate, why he feels he would make a good candidate and about his support from Gov. John Bel Edwards.
Amanda Haas : The Anti-Inflammation Cookbook
Amanda Haas talks about the different recipes listed in her book that could be healthier alternatives, especially for those who have health issues.